Community litter picks

Litter remains a big problem across the country. Not only is it unsightly, but it devalues the local area, pollutes the environment, causes harm to residents and wildlife and is expensive to remove, which ultimately costs council tax payers money. Councils in England spend more than £700 million on street cleaning services every year.

Marine litter is a global issue and although Dacorum is not coastal, 80 per cent of marine litter originates from land, as it is often washed there through waterways and drains.

Great British Spring Clean 

Litter pickers stand with their bags and litter picking sticks at the ready

Each year we support Keep Britain Tidy’s litter-picking campaign, the Great British Spring Clean.

This campaign aims to encourage as many people as possible from across the UK to hit the streets and clean up their local communities.

In 2023, Keep Britain Tidy set the Big Bag Challenge, encouraging everyone to collect one bag of litter during March or April. In Dacorum, more than 1,100 volunteers joined in, collecting in excess of 600 bags of rubbish, over half of which was recyclable litter.

If you would like to book some equipment for the Great British Spring Clean 2024, email

Litter picking throughout the year

Organise your own litter pick

We can support you in organising a litter pick in your local area throughout the year. You can borrow litter-picking equipment from our Clean, Safe and Green department, and we can arrange for the bags of litter to be collected following your event.

If you would like to organise a litter pick, please email

If you're interested in litter picking on a regular basis, you may want to register as a Street Champion. You'll be provided with your own kit filled with litter-picking equipment.

Find out more about some of the local volunteer litter pickers that help keep Dacorum clean, safe and green:

Free litter awareness talks for schools

Primary schools in Dacorum can get a free litter awareness talk or assembly. Litter-picking equipment can also be brought in for pupils to use in the school grounds and/or surrounding areas.

For more information, please call 01442 228000 and ask for 'Clean, Safe and Green' or email Litter-picking equipment is loaned on a first come, first served basis.

For more information, including other initiatives we run or support, please visit our schools page.

Page Last Updated: Monday, 05 June 2023 at 10:26 AM