Commonwealth Games Queen's Baton Relay 2022

Baton Bearer in Hemel Hempstead

On Friday 8 July 2022 we welcomed the Queen’s Baton Relay to Hemel Hempstead. Starting at the Rainbow Stage in the town centre, the Baton passed through the Water Gardens and Old Town, before arriving in a sunny Gadebridge Park, where it was cheered on to the stage by the assembled crowd.

Throughout the afternoon, visitors to the park had also enjoyed a Wellness Festival, which featured demonstrations from local sports, music and dance groups, the opportunity to try out various free sports and wellbeing activities and entertainment for younger members of the family, including circus skills, face painting and inflatables.

View all the event photos

The Queen’s Baton Relay - which started on 21 October 2021 and travels across the Commonwealth, visiting all 72 nations and territories - will finish in the host city of Birmingham, where it will take a central role in the Opening Ceremony of the Commonwealth Games, on 28 July 2022.

For more information about the Queen’s Baton Relay, visit the Birmingham 2022 website.

Page Last Updated: Thursday, 21 July 2022 at 03:16 PM