Responsible dog ownership

Dog fouling

We have around 430 dog waste bins across Dacorum. You can find your nearest bin on our local information map. You can also put your dog waste in any normal litter bin. If you do not clear up after your dog, you can be issued with a fixed penalty notice, or you can be taken to court and face a fine. We work in partnership with District Enforcement - a company that specialises in enviro-crime enforcement - to issue Fixed Penalty Notices. Find out more about District Enforcement.

Report dog fouling

If there is severe or persistent dog fouling in a particular area, please report it to us.

Report dog fouling online

Alternatively, email or call 01442 228455.

Report a full dog waste bin

If you come across a full dog waste bin, you can report the issue using our online form.

Report a full dog waste bin

Please note: The Canal and River Trust is responsible for the management and maintenance of canal towpaths through the borough. If you want to report an issue on the towpath, please email

Report a damaged or missing dog waste bin

If a dog waste bin is damaged or missing, please use our online form to report the issue.

Report a damaged or missing dog waste bin

Please note: The Canal and River Trust is responsible for the management and maintenance of canal towpaths through the borough. If you want to report an issue on the towpath, please email

Barking dogs

  • Don't let your dog bark or whine for long periods.
  • Keep your dog indoors if it barks constantly when unattended or disturbed.
  • If your dog still barks when indoors, make arrangements to leave it with a neighbour or friend or get someone to call in. Leave its favourite toy or put the radio on at a very low volume.
  • Move the kennel or put up a fence so that your dog is disturbed less often by passers-by.
  • Attend a dog training class to retrain your dog and change its behaviour.

To make a noise complaint about a barking dog, please go to our noise complaints page.


Microchipping is a legal and permanent way of identifying a dog. All dogs over eight weeks of age must be microchipped. If you do not have your dog microchipped, or if you give incorrect details, you can be fined.

A microchip is a tiny chip, approximately the size of a grain of rice, bearing a unique number. It is implanted under the animal’s skin at the back of the neck. This chip can be scanned by dog wardens, vets and animal rescue centres using a special reader.

By checking the unique number against a central database, a lost pet can be swiftly reunited with an owner anywhere in the country. If you would like your dog microchipped, please email or call 01442 228455.

Controlling your dog

Dogs must be kept under control at all times. Visit the Government website to find out more about controlling your dog and the penalties involved.

Animal Welfare Act 2006

The Animal Welfare Act 2006 makes owners and keepers responsible for ensuring that the welfare needs of their animals are met. These include the need:

  • for a suitable environment (place to live)
  • for a suitable diet
  • to exhibit normal behaviour patterns
  • to be housed with, or apart from, other animals (if applicable)
  • to be protected from pain, injury, suffering and disease

Anyone who is cruel to an animal, or does not provide for its welfare needs, may be banned from owning animals, fined up to £20,000 and/or sent to prison.

The Animal Welfare Act 2006 contains the general laws relating to animal welfare. It is an offence to cause unnecessary suffering to any animal. Unlike previous legislation, the Act applies to all animals on common land. The Act contains a Duty of Care to animals - this means that anyone responsible for an animal must take reasonable steps to make sure the animal’s needs are met. This means that a person has to look after an animal’s welfare as well as ensure that it does not suffer and applies to all animals.

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